Terms & Conditions


Unless otherwise specified, all materials appearing on this site, including the text,
site design, logos, graphics, icons, and images, as well as the selection,
assembly and arrangement thereof, are the sole property of 14e cosmetics.

We will make every attempt to ship all products contained in the order at the
same time. You will only be charged for shipping at the rate quoted to you on
your purchase receipt. Orders will be processed 1-3 days after purchase.

We accept all major credit cards. There is no surcharge for using your credit card
to make purchases. Please be sure to provide your exact billing address and
telephone number (i.e. the address and phone number your credit card bank has
on file for you). Incorrect information will cause a delay in processing your order.

These Conditions will supersede any terms and/or conditions you include with
any purchase order, regardless of whether Sample Store. signs them or not. We
reserve the right to make changes to this site and these Conditions at any time.

We keep your personal information private and secure. We use your name, credit
card information and address to process your orders, to keep you updated on
your orders and to personalize your shopping experience.